Artists in this post: dieselle, MegaCherrio, mirjam1997, Morphius, Oliverstorm, Pedulum Nom, Rainbow Veins, Script, and window.
A slew of fanart came in on this day to celebrate the end of the year! Happy New Year everyone and here's to another year on CS! :D Artists in this post: dieselle, MegaCherrio, mirjam1997, Morphius, Oliverstorm, Pedulum Nom, Rainbow Veins, Script, and window.
Some members submitted so much art in one go, we had to give them their own posts :) User flyteck made a couple of avatars based on her favorite CS pet, the brown dragon dog from the 2011 Medieval Faire. Please note these avatars are NOT for public use. User Mail Engarde, celebrating their getting a Pokemon Rumble Blast game, decided to make Poke-pets out of some CS pets :)
More advent pet art! Some rare pet dreamies too :)
Artists in this post: Autumn's Tiger, Benvolio Montague, Lord Amazilion, Swiftfox_14, HipsterAntlers, MegaCherrio, OwlofAthena, window., Silverwolf113, Kohaku, and Lunar wolf Since the coming of December 18th, the day when older (and rarer!) pets are released to the CS public, a lot of the older pets have been featured in artwork this week :) A lot of UR pets and advents feature in too!
Artists in this post: L U C K Y W A R (and JesusFreak), mirjam1997, xKumi The Destroyerx, Gerbilfuzz, Script, Shadow_paws, Silverwolf113, and ZeldaFan This group of submissions are all free to use for your signature or trade rules. As always, remember to credit the artist and do not edit them unless you have express permission from the artist of the picture. Art by Pideaux, Ash fur<3, SilverShadeDragon, mirjam1997, Lakota Rose, Creamcat, Furby, and Aquaturf
It's Christmas eve, and we have a bunch of awesome new freebies to celebrate! You're free to use these in your signatures and trade rules, but remember to give proper credit to the artist and do not remove their signatures. These artists were incredibly generous to make these, make sure you give them the respect they deserve. Dreamies by Barry . We all have that one pet that we love but can never get our hands on. If your "dreamy" happens to be the Joker, Yellow Toxic, or Sundog, why not stick a picture in your signature or trade rules to tell people? Christmas Kitties by loenna These wide-eyed advent kitties would go perfectly in your trade rules! Stamp and Spider by Aquaturf Here's some unique little graphics for you to use. Just remember to credit the artist, as always. Sniffing Dogs by *JACKAL*
Wow, there's so many of these that we couldn't fit them all in this post. Click here to see the rest, and make sure to follow her rules! The advent pets mostly take the spotlight this week, but moreso the fact that they're in snowy settings!
Artists in this post: Akami-chan, animalzrock123, Artistic Wolf, Benvolio Montague, CrimsonWolfTail, Gerbilfuzz, Kohaku, Lanatae, Night Bender, ShutterShades, Swiftfox_14, Oliverstorm, and ZeldaFan 'Tis the season for presents, and a lot of generous CS members made lovely gifts for Tess and the CS staff :)
Artists in this post: (-:, Frightful, Kaizoku, kpmur, and Shattered Darkness |
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March 2023