Today we have some freebies to share from Fanjee and OHHAILTHECHOOKOFLIFE! Lovely work, you two, thank you!
We didn't get too many Freebies this week, but that's okay! They look awesome. cx
hannahleavy, HisDarkGoddess, lbogita and Coloredidiot made this art! I hope you guys had a happy Easter and found lots of eggs! Now that the hunt is over on CS, here's another friendly reminder to get those tokens turned in before Totoro closes her shop. c:
We got quite the collection of art this week! What a great set! SirQwackin'sThe 14th, Noelthecat, hannahleavey, UnicornsLoveNarwhals, N e w M o o n, HisDarkGoddess, tardisblue, Jayfrost, MKM2002, FudgeTheDog, xxlulabyexx, SheWolf. and xchickenxnuggetsx are the artists featured in this update! Happy birthday and Easter, CS!
With the return of spring, the flowerpot, bunnies and butterwolves are getting some love! These are free to use on CS, just credit the artist. c: little-moon, Cupid, tonys and ToxicWolfSpike are this week's freebie artists! This post is what we'd like to call "CS event hangover" -- even some time after the Easter event, we still have some Easter themed pictures -- including some pictures about events long before! X) And of course, an April Fools' Day picture for when the site celebrated the day on April 1 (where everyone had adorably derpy avatars and had to "dance for cupcakes") :)
Artists in this post: AleraValerious, Tuike, KittyCatKita, Natsu Dragneel, Script, tiny, Paint103, .Kitty., and Fellefan Part 2 of the Easter related pictures! While some bunnies make a feature appearance, our members start getting some of the past pets and other species into the spirit as well :)
Artists in this post: Sethie, Nala_5, Wolf Spark, Annecom, and tonys This was an amazing week in fan art, mostly due to the fact that the CS Easter Event happened this week! Hunting for hidden easter eggs all over the forum sure got people into the spirit -- even in the spirit of making artwork!
This first post shows a couple of art work relating to the Easter event, even featuring some of the pets that were released for the event this year :) Artists in this post: SkyHusky, Yagmur, Sethie, Nonia, and moriarty. Also in commemoration of the Easter celebrations on CS, members have made tribute art to their favorite bunnies! In member tonys' words: "BUNNIES TIME TO SHINE!!!" xD
Artists in this post: tonys, Dirtie, and Electric Shock |
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March 2023