Everyone's favorite thing to hear. Well, here's my pound story.
THE POUND WAS OPEN! Everyone rushed in, going crazy. I saw two people literally fighting over a PPS. I walked down Aisle 1 of the pound. Nothing good. Walking down Aisle 2, I saw some pretty pets, no rares or pretty enough. Aisle 3. A larger cage caught my eye. I looked in. A strange owl, it looked like a mallard duck. And, any non noob would know.... it was a MALK. I scooped the owl up in my arms and ran with him outside. He was so cute! I gave him to the pound worker at the desk. She gave him back to me and said, "Good pick. Better get all the malks while they're gone, eh?" Back home, I look at my owl in disappointment. Its name was Soil. Bad name. And... it was an OMGSOCOMMON.
The moral of this story: Be careful what you pick in the pound. Everything has a good point and a bad point.