Reynir was excitedly trying to enlarge the hole in his eggshell. He could see something blue. Was that the sky he heared so much about? gerly he worked and tried to enlarge it even more and with a finally creak the eggshell split apart and due to the sudden miss of thewalls that he was tackling, he fell out to the ground. He looked confusedly and with whide eyes around him. The world seemed so bright and big after he could see it as well instead of just hearing it. He remembered how he had rolled out of his nest and remembered that he had heared the sea. He was looking around him once more and finally saw a giant water puddle. That must be the sea! Excitedly he got up on his was and was staggering a bit, because standing and walking was something she wasnt used to yet. But after some moments he was able to get them work like he wanted and walked towards the water. Starring at it interestedly he nearly had overlooked the giant person, close to him.
First as he heard some noise he turned around to see a pet with hooves, some long horns, a beared and a big, yet graceful fin. Looking amazed he asked it: "Who and what are you?". With a moving sound in his chuckle he answered: "Hello young one, my name is Lir and i'm living here at the shore. As you can see i'm part goat and part fish. I can be on land, and on water,but i cant dive for to long. And who are you?". "My name is Reynir. I rolled out of my egg and just hatched. Have you seen my Mother or Father?", he asked the other pet. Lir was thinking for a while until he said slowely: "I think they wen't to hunt some pray. Maybe they thought you would hatch soon and wanted to get you something to eat?". Now that Lir had mentioned it, Reynir could feel his empty stomage and looked a bit embarrassed when it made a sound. "I don't think your parents will be back so soon... And i have nothing to eat for you... But maybe i could introduce you to some of my friends while you wait. So you can maybe forget your hunger for a bit"; he suggested and smiled at the young one. Excitedly Reynor nodded so enthusiaticly that he nearly fell over. "Please do so Lir. I'm just hatched and i want to see as much as i can!", he agrredd and begged him. "Than follow me", he chuckled again with his mowing voice and started to walk.
"Hey, who's that with you Lir?", a unfamiliar voice asked and Reynir jumped a bit because he hadn't expected it and havent seen the pet before. "He's Reynir and he's just hatched when his parents where out for a hunt, so i'm showing him a bit around until they get back", he explained for the stranger and looked at Reynir as he explained: "Arion is patrouilling the shore regulary. He's looking that everything is alright and help if there is a quirrel or such". Arion smiled at the little griffin and said: "Hello Reynir, it's nice to meet you. We might see each other more often from now on, so let's be good neighbours". Reynir nodded and looked impressed at the staff he held in his paws. With a smirk Arion asked the little griffin: "Do you want to hold it once?". Excitedly Reynir nodded. The elder one gave him the staff and he realized that it was kinda hard to hold something so smoothe in his peak, but eventually he made it after some tries and walked a few circles proudly around the other two. Arion chuckled at him and brushed with his paw over his head before he took his staff again and wished them a nice time before he walked off again, continuing his patrol. Lir stood up and started walking again as well and Reynir followed him.
He was eager to see as much new as he could and after a short walk he found two other pets that where chatting with each other. "Hey Lir? Do you know them? Who are they?", he asked the Goatfish and looked curiously at them. Lir looked at them and answered: "The left one is Aiyana and the other one is Siloso. Their friends. Maybe we can join them for a little chat. So you want to?", he asked and looked at Reynir. He was nodding excitedly. Of course he wanted! They went up to these two and Lir introduced Reynir to them. "Siloso? You have fins as well as Lir, does that mean you can swim as well? How is it to swim? How does it feel?"; he wanted to know, because he had realized that he couldn't imagine this feeling. He could imagine how it would be when he finally spread his wings and flew, but swimming? He had no idea. With a smile Siloso answered: "Yes i can swim. But most pets can swim, even if they don't have fins. You see Aiyana? She collected all of these Seastars herself while swimming and she has no fins, right?". Amazed he looked at her. You really can swim without fins and collected all these?"
"Yeah, she did", answered a voice behind them he Reynir jumped once more at the sudden new pup. "Sorry, i wdoesn't wanted to startle you. I'm Karoola. Aiyana comes near my house often. I live underwater and there a lot of seastars in my garden and i allowed her to collect them, so she often visits me", he explained softly to the young griffin. Surprised he looked with widened eye at him and asked: "You live underwater? But there is no air, right? How do you live there?" With a giggle Karoola answered: "Its kinsa like a cave underwater. Further in theres a airbubble with a connection to the sky somewhere, so i have all fresh air i want. It's just a bit dark, but with my eyes i can see perfectly even if there is less light than here". "Wow, thats sounds amazing"; meant Reynir and tried to imagine it. "Do you want to see it? I wouldn't mind you to come to my house. I have freshly baked cookies as well. "What are cookies?", Reynir asked excitedly before he droped a bit and said a bit sad: "I can't come to visit you. I have wings and they are not made for swimming...". The other pets looked at each other until Siloso spoke thinkingly: "Why don't we ask HIM?". The others thought for a while and nodded than. "HEy Reynir, follow us", Lir meant and started to walk with the others to a little, to the see open cave.
In the middle of the cave he found a pet which Reynir couldn't help but stare at it. "Hello Eldest", Siloso soke up and bowed politely her head. Getting a bit flustered Reynir copied her movements and lookked shyly at this magestic pet. "Well, who we have here?", he spoke with a rather deep, yet nice voice and looked from one to the other until his gaze rested on Reynir. "Hello young one. Are you the little Hatchling of the Griffins i had seen from the see some times already?", he asked him and swam a it closer. "Yes, i am. Do you now my parents?"; he asked surprised and looked in awe at him. The Eldest chuckled and nodded: "I know nearly every Pet that lives here. If not all of them. Im older than i look. I guess only my friend is older than me.". With that he nodded to another pet which was sitting a bit away and watched the group interestedly.
he Pet in the middle looked magestic as well and it took one step forward as he introduced him and his friends to them. "I'm Keeper and i'm a dragon. These are Ryu and Ziggi. We live a bit further away where the ground is warm all day and the nights are cold and we have a lot of sand and sun for us". Interested Reynir looked from one pet to the other. Never had he guessed he would get to know so many pets before he would even see his parents the first time. He stood there in awe and had forgotten why they originally where here, but the Eldest reminded him as he asked Siloso: "You wanted to ask me for some advice, right? I know you good enough to know when you have a question at heart", and chuckled slightly. "Yes, i have", she nodded and explained that all of them wanted to visit Karoolas House, but that they didn't know how Reynir shoud get there. The Eldest thought about it some time, but it was Keeper who answered: "Why don't you use your bubbles? We could get him in one and you could bring him there. After all Karoolas home is a cave like this one and once he's there and gets back there is no problem". "Thats a good idea", the eldest nodded and asked Karoola: "Would it be okay for me and my friends to come as well? I need to come with him when i want to carry him in my bubbles, but my friends just came to visit me and i dont want to leave them alone". Excitedly looked Reynir to Karoola. If she would be okay with so many people at her home. He hoped. He so wanted to see the world underwater and get to know what a cookie was. To his delight she was nodding. "I have no problem. My cave is larege enough for all of us, so feel free to come". As all of them nodded agreeing, Ryu und Ziggi helped Keeper to help Reynir inside of one of the Eldest bubbles that where floating around him. It was kinda funny for Reynir to sit in a bubble and all around him looked a bit bizarre, but he found it interested and liked it even. Without further ado they went to the water surface and dived into.
Reynir was in awe at all the things he could see. Fish swam around him and he saw seaplants waving in the unseen currents of the water. He saw how the light looked completely different under water. Not a round, bright light at the sky, but it all seems to glow mystically and he was so excited that he felt like he would jump out of his feathers anytime. "Hey, look there! There are the first seastars. You will see a lot more of them when we get closer to my home", Karoola showed him and smiled at the little griffin that was so amazed by her chosen place to live. Reynir watched a skein of orange fished that looked kinda similiar to the ones the elder has flowing around him as well. He wanted to look another way, when he realized that some of the Fishes seemed different.
Confused he looked at it again. "That Fish has a Dog-body!", he screamed in surprise and chuckling Lir answered: "Not at all... Its a Dog with a Fish-Head. He is called Admiral Ackbar and some pets where tattling, that he ones fell into the sea and when he was about to drown he suddendly grew a fishhead and was able to breath and live under water. But, he never talks about it.. Or let's say... He barely ever says anything. He choose to live with this little skein and call them his family". With whide eyes he watched Admiral Ackbar getting tinier each second as he and the fish where swiming away. A bit confused about the story of a dogs head being changed he secretly looked if he still looked the same, even thought he was under water now. What if he got a fishhead as well and his parents wouldn't realize he's their missing hatchling when he got ack home?He was so lost in thought that he didnt payed attention to his surroundings at all. "Oh, hi Seinn, how are you?" he heared Karoola say and as she was explaining that he was one of her neighbours he turned around
He never had imagined him to look like this and out of surprise he startled and his little peak let the bubble burst in which he was savely carried so far. At first he didn't realized what happened, but than suddendly he felt his feathers getting wet and he felt the current pulling softly on him. He gasped and immediately burst out in coughing which made it even worse. Reynir got in a panic. Should he drown here without ever seeing his parents? He was moving his feets and wings as well as his head and tails and lost every sense of direction as he silently started to cry.
"Hey, what's wrong little one?"; he heared a soft voice, but he wasn't able to calm down enough to listen at her. "Poor thing"; the voice sighted and suddendly he fellt a pair of paws gripping at him and pulling him into a underwater cave. Reynir felt how he got dizzier every minute and all he wanted was just one tiny breath of air. Suddendly his wish was fullfilled and the cold air sting his wet skin underneath his feathers and he shivered out of cold and terrifiying. "Does this griifn is part of your group Aiyana?", she asked the other pet and looked worriedly at the little one. "Yeah he is. His name is Reynir and he was about to visit Karoola when the bubble bursted", she explained and looked poorly at Reynir and asked worriedly: "How are you?". "I... I don't now...", answered Reynir and he wimpered like the little hatchling he was. "It's okay", the eldest spoke calmly and Keeper made his way to Reynir and laid himself next to him. Ryu, would you get on his other side?", he suggested his friend and explained Reynir: "Our bodys are warmer than usual and you should feel warm and save in no time again". The eldest spoke again and he said to Reynir: "I forgot about your peak, so i was a bit surprised when the bubble bursted, but dont worry. I will make it saver on our way back. With so many of us here we wouldn't let you drown" he promised. "And you wouldn't let me get a fishhead as well?"; the little Griffin asked piped down and looked at them. "You wouldn't grow a fishead. After all griffins are not made for water, so i dont think this could ever happen", Siloso giggled. "I'm glad you're alright little one. My name is Hikaru by the way and i live near here". "Helly Hikaru, and thank you", he answered her with a tiny smile and was a bit shocked at how sore his voice sounded right now.
"Right, right let us through please", Karoola begged them and came over with a big plate of cookies and Seinn followed her in a bit difference. "I'm sorry that i startled you", the seaslug said and explained : "I'm Seinister, but everyone just calls me Seinn". "It's okay Seinn. I was just not looking at my surroundings, so it's my fault"; Reynir meant and realized that all of the other pets where near him, yet only he wouldnt get close to anyone. "Don't you dislike the others?"; he asked naivly and looked questioning at him. With a deep sight Seiin shook his head and told him: "No, i really like them and we're friends. But i must hold my difference BECAUSE we're friends. Do you understand? I'm poisionous. If i would get to close to one of my friends i could hurt or even kill him or her accidently". Looking thinkingly at the Seaslug he said silently: "Than you must be really sad when you never can't get close to anyone". "It's okay, dont worry. I'm used to it. After all it was like this my whole life, so just make sure not to get to close to me, okay? Than we can be friends as well if you like? Or do you think you can only be friends with a pet you can touch?"; he asked him and looked curious at the little griffin. He lived his whole life in the sea and never even tried to get outside of it, so it was his first time seing feathers. "Reynir pondered a while at Seinns question before he shook his head and answered: "No, i think you're right. We can be friends even if we can't touch each other". When he realized that Seinn was looking at his feathers he asked: "Do you like them?". A bit flustered he nodded: "They look so fluffy...". Reynir thought for a second and pulled out one of his feathers. He made a grimasse because it hurted a bit more than he had thought, but it was all okay. Slowely he got up and laid the feather nerly to Seinn: "Here: Now you can touch it as well. And because it'S my feather you can say you had touched me", he chuckled and hadd already forgotten his panic and his fear just a few moments ago. His throut still felt hoarse, but Karoola brought him some cool fresh water and after he drank some it was better. Now curiously looking at the plate with the cookies he asked: "What are these?". "They are cookies", Aiyana explained and added: "They're tasty. Why dont you try one?". Karoola nodded and said it was okay for each of them to just took as many as they wanted. Astouned he looked closer at them and carefully took on in his peak. A bit shy he began to eat it, but after a second he looked surprised and said: "Thei're tasty!" and with a thankful look to Karoola he eat some more. After all he was really hungry. When they had eaten the cookies all together the eldest suggested that they should went back to the shore, because they couldn't see if Reyns parents where back or not dep down here. Reynir was a litle sad that he had to leave his newly made friends here and go back. But he wanted to see his parents as well. With a look to the eldest he said: "I'll be sure to visit you agaun if the Eldest can help me again". When he nodded magestical Reynir made a jump out of joy and said his goodbyes to everyone. They would stay a bit longer at Karoolas Place and only the elder, his three friends and Lir would bring him back. "Hey, do you want to see an isle?", Ziggi suddendly suggested and showed with his horned head to a rather large dark spot a bit away. "That might be a nice idea", Ryu nodded and because no one was against it they changed their course and went on shore there. Reynir was looking around him. It was a kinda small sandy place with a few trees and suddendly he realized something and told Ziggi: "The shore is going all around it! Its like a puddle of sand in the big puddle that's the ocean. "That's quite a interesting way to see it", he heared a female voice and two voices chuckled.
"Hello, i am Anika and this is my sister. We live here on this little island with these two:"
Curiously Reynir looked over to see two other pups playing tag in the sand and hadn't realized them yet. "Don't be offended please. We normally dowsn't get any visitors, so we're not used to look at our surroundings. Are you the hatchling if the griffin pair?" "You know my parents?" He asked surprised and answered: "Yes, i am and my name is Raynir". Anika nodded and explained: "We often see them flying over our island to hunt for prey and we see them come back with their pray. By the way. It was quite a while since they flew out, i guess they wouldn't take long to get back home now. Do they know that you're here?" "No they dont", answered Reynir a bit piped down. "It's okay. We brought you here and i guess it's time to bring you back", Lir meant with a smile and as Reynir nodded and bid his farewell to the pets of this isle, they went off again to get back to his homeshore now.
It didn't took them to long to got back again and Reynir was streching his limps after he was in the bubbly and in the cave for so long. Somehow he didn't dared to strech there. Maybe he thought it was inpolite to Karoola to make him too confortable at her home. He bid his farewells to the eldest, Ryu, Ziggi and Keeper as they went back to the eldests cave.
Lir and Reynir hadn't walked that long when they met another pup which seemed to know Lir. "Hey Orchidee, how are you?", Lir greeted her and she answered: "I'm fine, thank you. It's been a while since i've ssen you so far inside the land. Normaly you keep close to your shore". "Yeah, i do, but i'm bringing this little one back home", he explained. Orchidee took a look at his fins and said: "I don't want to offend you, but i believe you have problems walking long distances on land. How if i bring him back? He is the Hatchling from the cliff, isn't he?". "You know me?", Reynir asked her and was surprised how many Pets knew him and his parents. "Yes. I don't like it very much, but your right... I kand walk a long way with my fin and it's already hurting...", Lir admitted with a sight and looked at Reynir: "Would it be okay to go with Orchidee from here on? She is a good friend of mine and will bring you home safely". Reynir looked a bit sad, because Lir was the first pet he had met after he had hatched and he was his first friend. "It's okay"; he nodded but added: "But when i'm grown a bit and know my ways, i will come visit you and the others, i promise". Yeah, please do"; nodded Lir and gave him a friendly hug before he went back and wished him one last time with his mowing voice a good bye. "Where do we have to go know?"; he wanted to know and looked at Orchidee. "There. Do you see the cliffs? There is your nest", she explained and as he followed her pointing paw he sighted: "So far still?", and tried to opress a yawn. "Are you tired?", she asked him with a gently smile and thought for a bit. "Come with me please, i will ask a friend of mine if she would help us". Reynir nodded. He was curious what kind of pets Orchidees friends where and if there where as nice as Lirs friends. But when he thought that Lir was er friend as well, the other friends must be nice as well.
"Hey Lune, do you have some time?", Orchidee asked a doglike pet that seemed to sit in the grass. "Of course i do. For you i have all the time i have"; he spoke friendly with a rather deep, yet nice voice. "Well, to be exact i wanted to ask a favour of you my friend", she admitted and looked at the little Griffin right next to her. "It's okay. Just tell me what i can help you with", he said simply and stood up. Moment! Strand up? Reyner felt his beak fall open as Lune was lifting himself up. He was about trice the size of Orchidee and the others! Gasping in awe he looked at the big pet in front of him. When he realized Reynirs looks he chuckled and introduced himself: "HElly little Griffin. I'm Orchidees friend". "I-I'm Reynir and i'm on my way back home"; he explained still astouned by Lunes impressive appearance. "Well... You see. this little one is tired and he just hatched soon ago. Do you think you could let him ride on your back to the cliffs where his nest is located?", Orchidee asked him. With a gently look at Reynir he nodded. "It's no problem, wait, i will help". He got back to lying on the ground again and told Reynir to climb onto him. A bit shy, yer totally curious he went closer and hestitated for a second before he took alls his courage and climbed on his back. "Hold yerself, but please don claw to much with your fangs"; he warned Reynir and stood up once more. Reynir had a hard time not to fall of, because he was afraid to hold himself strongly on him because he feared he might hurt him. "It's okay, you can grip me a bit more. I#m not so delicate"; Lune laughed and waited until he was sure Reynir wouldn't fall. "Should we go than?"; he asked Orchidee and at er nodd he started in a smooth dash. Orchidee was running beside him and Reynir did the best he could do - he held himself on Lune so he wouldn't fall. At first he was a bit scared that he could fall, but after nothing like that happened and he got used to Lunes movements, he started to savour the fast and thrilling ride. Suddendly Lune screamed: "Hold yourself"; and came to a surprising stand. Reynir looked a bit confused around him and tried to get why they stopped. Sighting Lune looked down at the high grass. "Hey you two... How often had i told you not to sleep in the deep grass? What if i miss you one day and step on you?", Lune was talking to the ground.
Yawning two pups emerged from the depths of the grass and the more feminine one answered: "But Lune... Its so comfortable in that grass...". The other one nodded and explained: "Ennir is right, Lune! We where paying catch since morning and we where just so tired.... Don't be angry with us please". Sighting Lune looked at them and said: "I'm not angry.. I'm worried that i might hurt you one day by accident...". Orchidee nodded and suggested: "If you want to sleep in the high grass, why not cuddling at this dead treestunk there? Lune have to jump over them, so he wouldnt step anywhere close to it by accident". Lune nodded agreeing. Eying the stunk the fluffy pup looked at Ennir and said: "I guess it looks as comfortable and fluffy as here. Should we give it a try?". The female pup waved agreeing with her tail, and made the tiny bells ring as she moved them. "Yeah let'S go, i'm still tired", she yawned and went off without even telling goodbye. "I guess they where really tired... They had not even realized Reynir was there. Well we can introduce him to them the next time when he come over to play". "I can come over to play?", Reynir asked excitedly and Lune looked at Orchidee before both chuckled and answered: "Of course.
It took them not long after they started running again, until they reached the cliffs. Amazed Reynir looked at them. They seemed so high! And there he was from? How was he able not to get hurt by rolling down something steep and high like these cliffs? He looked around and as much as he tried to see one, he just couldnt find a way up there. Suddendly he felt someone aproaching, but when he looked around he couldn't see anyone. "Hello Norinia, we're here to help Reynir back home before his parents miss him"; she explained to someone and looked at the sky as well as Lune did. Confused he looked up and gasped as he saw a pup in full armor flying over them at the place.
"Oh, okay. I wondered when the little one would come back"; she nodded. Reynir looked confused and asked: "You knew i would come back here? Or i mean... You knew me?" With a faint smile she watched at the little griffin and answered: "Every hatchling returns to their parents. It was always like this since i am here and thats as long as i can remember. And yes, i know you as well as i know every pet living here". Norinia looked at Lune and Orchidee and sighted: "I know you want to bring him back, but i can't allow you to cross from here. The cliff is to step for every pet without wings". "But i promised Lir that i would bring him home", Orchidee protested and looked sorry at Reynir, which had been standing on the ground now again after Lune had let him down. "WHats wrong Norinia?", two voices asked and out of a cave two pets came flewn.
"Oh, its good that your here", Norinia nodded and explained: "I will find someone who will guard him home. So dont worry and you can tell Lir that the little one is fine. I will guarantee his save from here on". "Swan and Morningstar, could you please fly and get Aurora?", she asked these two and they imediately nodded and flew off. "You know", Norinia started to explain for Reynir: "These cliffs are so steep and high that not even all of us winged pets are able to live up there. As you might have realized are Swan's wings artifactial as well as mine and Morningstars wings doesnt support her enough to fly for a long time. Aurora can better fly than we and she lives a bot more up about halfway up the cliff, but even she doesn't dare to get up there. But she can get us some help, because i don't think you are already ablo to fly such lengths". Looking at Lune Orchidee said: "I guess he is save with you. We will now get back, because it is already late and the sun starts to set". As they bid their farewells Reynir begged them: "Please tell the others my greetings and please don't forget me. When i'm a bit bigger i will come to visit all of you". "We will"; both promised him and waved a last time before the where running back. Before he could get to sad about there disapearance he heared the sound of wings coming closer and he saw a unfamiliar pet with Swan and Morningstar. "That must be Aurora", he thought.
"Hello Norinia, you called for me?", Aurora asked the armored guardian and Norinia explained her everything. Norinia looked so strong and she had armor. She must be a guardian thought Reynir and remembered Arion with his staff that guarded the chore. After listeing for a while Aurora nodded and answered: I will get Chenaanah and Opal for help. Their both really nice pet and wouldn't let a freshly hatched griffin wait here. "I will be right back", she saud and wanted to fly off again as she heared a voice: "Don't worry. We're already here". Reynir looked up to see again two pets approaching them.
Both of them landed next to him and one explained: "We saw what happened and came down to hear what is the uproar here when we heared Morningstar and Swan talk to Aurora. Gently she looked at the little Griffin and introdusced themself: "Hello little one. I am Opal and this is my friend Chenaanah. Don't worry. We promise you that you will be back in your nest before the sund has set down fully". Opals body reminded him a pit of Lune and he instantly liked and trusted her. With Chenaanah he wasn't so sure. Norinia just stated that both her and swans wings where artificial and thus not strong enough to live so far up. But Chenaanahs wigs looked artificial as well and she doesn't lookes so confident as well. As she realized his looks she told him: "Don't worry, i can bring you back as well. My wings are artificial as well, but i always wanted to live up here with opal and yer parents. I love the few up there and the strong wind. I sometimes crashed at the cliff and i'm not proud of my accidents and as you might see they left some scars on me, but i never regretted it. Even thought my wings are artificial and my body is scarred, i am now able to life where i always dreamed of", He look amazed at her. He hoped he would get such a strong will and passion when he grew up as well. He nodded faintly and asked worried: "And how should i get back up there if even you had to train so hard for it?". "Don't worre Chenanah chuckled and pointed at Opal. You will get there as you got here. Opal will carry you. Opal nodded at her words and said with a smile: "Now come up. Your parents will be back anytime soon and you want to greet them in your nest, right`?", she asked gently and helped him to climb on her back. "By Norinia, Swan, Morningstar and Aurora, i will see you once i learned to fly myself", he promised and waved from Opals back as they got higher and higher. Reynir was speechless. The other pets, the grass, everything seems to got smaller and smaller until all looked lik a big playkit. "Is flying always as amazing as this?", he asked as he felt the wind blowing around them and moved his wings slightly, because it felt to feel the wind in his feathers. "Yeah it is"; Opal nodded and said: "And you will be flying soon with your own wings, i know. A hatchling that made such a long journey on his first day must be strong enough to learn it fast". After hearing that Reynir remembered something and as Opal was letting him off in his nest he asked: "How could i have rolled out from my nest and fallen all the way to the chore without dying? He tapped to the edge and looked up there. He couldn't even see the ground clearly. Clouds where floating around the cliff and he felt so high up in the sky that it was easy to believe nothing that the sky could be higher than him right now. Of course he knew that was wrong. After all his parents where flying here around. He had heared the sound of her coming and going whitch was made by thei're wings. "I guess i can explain you that, Chenaanah meant and said: "I guess you rolled out her and rolled up this site". He noded to a edge that looked way smoother than the other ones and when Reynir was looking down he could see the ocean. "I guess you fell in the ocean and the currents might have carried you to the shore where you hatched.
Reynir laid his head to one side and thought. Now that she said it... He DID hear the sea nearby. But when he opened his peak to ask something more, he heared another sound of wings. Big wings. looking amazed he watched two pets flying closer, screaming his name and greeting him. "Mother, Father, i'm home"; he greeted them and a whide smile spreat on his face when he saw his parents for the first time. Opal and Chenanah bid their farewells and promised to visit him at the next day and he was laying down in his nest, blnking tiredly as he tried to tell his parents from his adventures and his journey. But before he really started he already felt asleep as he cuddled on his mothers warm feathers.